8 Benefits of Therapy

8 Benefits of Therapy

posted on January 20, 2023.

Therapy is a general term for a treatment for a physical or mental health challenge. When it comes to mental health, therapy, also known as talk therapy or psychotherapy, is a method mental health professionals use to assess, diagnose, and treat concerns related to emotions, thinking, and behavior patterns.1 It involves talking with a therapist or other mental health professional, such as a psychologist, and may include learning specific skills or coping strategies.

Nearly 10% of American adults receive this type of therapy or counseling per year.

What Is Mental Health?

Mental health is psychological, emotional, behavioral, and social well-being, including thoughts, feelings, actions, and interactions with others.

Someone may be interested in mental health therapy to:

  • Help with a challenging life event or situation
  • Address symptoms like excessive sadness, guilt, or anger
  • Treat a mental health condition like depression
  • Work on relationship challenges

This article will discuss the different types of therapy, the benefits of attending therapy, who can benefit from it, and some tips for finding the right therapist for you.

Benefits of Therapy

Mental health therapy is helpful for about 75% of people who try it.3 People with mental health conditions who attend therapy often see improvements in their symptoms and quality of life. There are many benefits of therapy, and they are not limited to people with mental health conditions. Anyone who needs guidance or a listening ear during a stressful life event can benefit from therapy.

Potential benefits of therapy include:

  1. Better communication skills
  2. Better sleep
  3. Increased happiness and life satisfaction
  4. Feelings of empowerment; improved mental function and productivity; fewer missed days from school or work
  5. Improved relationships and interactions with other people
  6. Improved physical wellbeing, such as lower blood pressure or reduction in chronic pain
  7. Development of skills for coping with daily life challenges and stress
  8. Improved management of behavioral health challenges, such as reducing or quitting smoking or drinking alcohol

Mental Health Therapy Options

Mental health therapy can be conducted in a variety of settings, including:

  • Individual therapy
  • Family therapy
  • Couples therapy
  • Group therapy

These types are determined by the people who participate, so individual therapy is for one person and a mental health professional, while couples therapy is for intimate partners and a mental health professional.

However, that doesn't mean the benefits of therapy are limited to the people who participate. For example, one person can go to individual therapy and both intimate partners can benefit from improved communication and relationship interactions. Additionally, an individual who goes to therapy and experiences a decrease in missed days from work may have coworkers who benefit.

Individual Therapy

Individual therapy is talk therapy between one person and a mental health professional.5 This allows the treatment to be customized to the needs of that person. It is also sometimes called dyadic therapy or individual psychotherapy. There are various types of individual therapy, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
  • Psychodynamic therapy
  • Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Humanistic therapy
  • Mindfulness therapy


Let's Talk

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