A Deeper Understanding

A Deeper Understanding

“Restoring the Narrative”

Resilience and Empowerment  Coaching

While Essentially caring for others!

An Interactive Empowerment Program

STOP!!! Before reading any further... OKAY! If you're ready to embark on your restorative healing journey we request that you assess and take inventory of your current story. 

If you decide to move forward stop here: Email Coach Tiffany @ [email protected]; with I'm Ready to Restore in the Subject line and provide your brief personal summary of Emotional Independence and Self-Love?

Now that you've taken a moment to reflect and gather your thoughts are you ready to proceed? GROW? and RESTORE your Narrative????

A brief overview and reason for this specific Empowerment workshop was created:

Welcome to the next chapter of your story. This space is dedicated and intentionally designed for you to Reflect, Unpack, and learn what it means to Authentically love yourself!!!

For far too long you’ve sacrificed, neglected, and put everyone and everything before the most important person in your life...Wondering who that is? YOU! Remember her? Many of us and this goes across cultures have been taught, and conditioned to speak, be and show love to everyone but ourselves.  I've learned that Self-Love was most likely an unspoken expectation but guess what that's where they ALL got it wrong. Evidence Based Practices such as  Erik Erikson 8 Stages of Psychosocial Development have proven  that it's critical to master each milestone as we transition from infancy, adolescence,  and adulthood. As adults if some or not all of the essential milestones are underdeveloped they will eventually show up in all aspects of your life. Personally, and  Professionally! During these years we transition towards Love, Care and Wisdom.

Growing up in dysfunctional environments is the catalyst for low social emotional awareness . As a mental health professional and a woman on her own healing journey. I want to be the first to acknowledge your narrative and willingness to restore what was intended for you to be the best possible version of YOU! Whatever you’ve been through was not your fault however, in my clinical opinion it is your responsibility to heal, and forgive yourself. Dysfunctional Narratives have been our story for far too long and what is even more disheartening is that it's normalised, marginalised and desensitised.

The time is now here in this space. Here is where you will challenged to be your true authentic self; by honoring your needs. By speaking your truth dedicating your time to learning how to walk in your true purpose. The goal is to guide, you support you as you deconstructive narratives that has impacted your growth. 

Let's Talk

If you have any questions, requests, or would like to request a consult, please fill out the form below, with your preferred way of contact and we will contact you within 48 hours.